For me and the architecture I represent, the opportunity of designing a new building (commercial or residential) to be placed between the Earth and sky is an almost sacred endeavor taken both seriously and joyfully! There is a special feeling and connection between the Client, the site and myself during the design process. We are not just building yet another structure — we're building an important legacy for ourselves and future generations. This should excite and motivate all of us to create at the highest level possible!
The best buildings are achieved through creative ideas that come naturally from the Client, the site, and the Architect working together as one. To me, a building can be so much more than merely an assortment of boxes (we call "rooms") with a roof over them and a door to get in & out. A building should come from inspiration and represent that inspiration. It should be uplifting, optimistic, beautiful, and something of which to be proud.
Most buildings are simply assemblages of different materials (again, usually boxes) that keep the outside out and the inside in. Most people don't think anything of them. They don't feel anything about them. They are for the most part unmemorable, mundane background addressing utilitarian functions.
This is not to say that buildings have to scream at us by being different just for difference's sake, but every time a piece of Earth is bought on which to put a building, that should always be considered the most fortunate opportunity for us to respect both Nature and humanity. I design buildings to do both — that are memorable not by being loud or brash, but by supporting, in a more aspirational way, the needs of the community and the people (consciously and subconsciously) who live and work in our unique structures.

My Design Principles

The Reverent Act of
Constructing a Building

The Importance of Travel

Desert Architecture



Saving Energy

What Modern Architecture
Means to Me

© 2024 Colin Edward Slais