Frank Lloyd Wright, Fay Jones, Mies Van Der Rohe, Alfred Caldwell, Al Beadle, Richard Neutra, Robert Anshen, William Allen, A. Quincy Jones (Eichler Homes), Sarah Susanka, John Lautner, Santiago Calatrava, Pierre Luigi Nervi, Paul Rudolph, Craig Ellwood...
All of these architects masterfully demonstrate(d) similar qualities in their work, namely, a simplicity, clarity and beauty of materials, construction, form, structure, composition and space. They have created memorable buildings and spaces of great integrity based on sound, fundamental principles. They believe(d) in an honest and integrated expression of all the components that make up a building. Their spaces contain an ethereal quality that touches us in some profound way. When we are there we feel at once exhilarated while completely at peace. Though originally designed at a specific moment in time for a specific client, the buildings are timeless and somehow for all of us—for humanity itself (the current owners may not necessarily agree). They elevate the mundane in everyday life to an almost spiritual experience. They celebrate all aspects of life and give us a glimpse into the boundless possibilities of the human imagination! This is truly architecture!!

My Design Principles

The Reverent Act of
Constructing a Building

The Importance of Travel

Desert Architecture



Saving Energy

What Modern Architecture
Means to Me

© 2025 Colin Edward Slais